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Four Season Scholé is an educational enrichment initiative of Andrea Kirk Assaf. Inspired by an essay she providentially happened upon in a monastery library concerning the liberal and common arts, she created a homeschool and life-long learning curriculum to develop character and competency through studying and living the four cycles of life (see below). Over the years it developed into a daily Calendar Class practice, which she enthusiastically shares with her children and students. Follow along for lesson plans and inspiration to find meaning and cause for celebration in each day, week, month, season, and year.
Some brief definitions:
Liturgical Cycle: the feast day and daily Mass readings of the Roman Catholic rite
Sanctoral Cycle: the annual calendar of saints' feast days
Human Cycle: the calendar year of holidays, historical events, biographies; the "seasons of life" that correspond with the seasons of nature
Natural Cycle: the agricultural year and the annual cycle of seeding, growth, decline, and dormancy in the natural world
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