A Carpe Diem Snapshot:
Today's April Fool's Day joke was played on me by a lovely- but rather rude- fat white duck by the pond in Villa Pamphili park this morning. Thinking of how fortunate I was to get this very up close snapshot of Miss Jemima Puddle-Duck, my luck then turned on me, along with the snapping bill of the aforementioned duck, who, when she realized that my phone was not edible, tried to take a chunk out of my leg. Fortunately, ducks do not have teeth, nor do they possess good manners.
Liturgical: Monday within the Octave of Easter God raised this Jesus; of this we are all witnesses. Exalted at the right hand of God, he poured forth the promise of the Holy Spirit that he received from the Father, as you both see and hear.
Station Church: San Pietro in Vaticano
Sanctoral: Hugh of Grenoble, France +1132 (Carthusian); Mary of Egypt, Desert Mother, dates unknown. The temple of Portunus in the Forum Boarium in Rome is one of the best preserved temples in the city thanks to its rededication as the chiesa di Santa Maria Egiziaca in 872.
Human: No joke, it's April Fool's Day! It's actually related to the history of the Julian vs. Gregorian Calendar! (Pesce d'Aprile in Italia)
Welcome, April! Here's an overview on the middle month of Spring
Natural: April's birthstone- diamond; April's birth flower- daisy and sweet pea; April's full moon- the pink moon (23rd)
Quote: We have all been fools at least once in our lives.