A Carpe Diem Snapshot:
As all you "outside-the-box" home educators know, it is often difficult to gauge "progress" in the same way that traditional schools do. And so, it is important to capture and savor moments like this one above, as a reminder that daily rituals are the real school of life.
Liturgical: Tuesday of the Fourth Week of Easter Then he went to Tarsus to look for Saul, and when he had found him he brought him to Antioch. For a whole year they met with the Church and taught a large number of people, and it was in Antioch that the disciples were first called Christians.
Sanctoral: St. George, Martyr (d. 304). Patron of England and Christian armies, and many, many other things.
Human: 1564- The (observed) birthday of the Bard! (Shakespeare, of course!)
Ancient Rome- Vinalia was celebrated – festival of wine and gardens that took place in honor of Jupiter and Venus. That day, the so-called the first Vinalia (Vinalia prima, also called Vinalia urbana) took place, which had thanksgiving character for the good harvests last year and praying for abundant harvest this year. Another day – on August 19, the so-called rural Vinalia (Vinalia Rustica) took place, which was celebrated before harvesting and squeezing grapes. Venus was the patroness of the so-called profane wine (vinum spurcum), which was consumed every day. Jupiter, in turn, was the deity patronizing the best, holy wine (temetum).
43 BC – as a result of wounds sustained in the battle of Forum Gallorum against Mark Antony, consul Gaius Vibius Pansa Caetronianus died. Although Pansa supported Julius Caesar, after Caesar's death he was for maintaining the Republic. In his last hours, Pansa advised young Gaius Octavian not to trust in Cicero and the Senate, who would turn against him when there was an opportunity.
Natural: Full Pink Moon of April!; The Vinalia Priora: The Ancient Roman Spring Wine Festival
I feel the coming of the flowery Spring,
Wakening tree and vine;
A bowl capacious quickly bring
And mix the honeyed wine.
Weave for my throat a garland of fresh dill,
And crown my head with flowers,
And o’er my breast sweet perfumes spill
In aromatic showers.
– Alcaeus of Mytilene