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  • Writer's pictureAndrea Kirk Assaf

Calendar Class of August 2, 2024

A Carpe Diem Snapshot:

This summer I have been wishing to help the girls make more progress with their musical education and expand their singing repertoire beyond the Encanto soundtrack! Enter Anya, the daughter of my cousin, who came over for dinner and a swim last night. Anya, who loves Italy and Italian opera, was singing with the girls by the end of the evening, while Tina strummed along on her new ukulele. I whipped up a spotify playlist of songs they could memorize together and- voila!- my musical wishes were granted.

“A prophet is not without honor except in his native place and in his own house.”

And he did not work many mighty deeds there because of their lack of faith.

Bishop Barron's Gospel reflections.

Sanctoral: St. Eusebius of Vercelli (283-371); Saint Peter Julian Eymard (1811-1868); St. Stephen I (d. 257); Our Lady of the Angels, a Franciscan feast day; St. Giustino Maria Russolillo (1891-1955)

Eusebius is considered by many to be the author of the Athanasian Creed, and a copy of the Gospels written in his own hand is preserved in the cathedral at Vercelli. He died on August 1, 371, his courage in suffering for the faith inspiring other bishops to oppose the Arian heresy.

Roman history today:

216 BC – Carthaginian commander Hannibal destroyed a Roman army in the battle of Cannae. The maneuver, based on encircling Roman forces, was an innovative solution. Hannibal’s tactical plan became an example for adepts of military schools over the centuries. Its perfection is evidenced by the fact that over the centuries it has been used many times by the most prominent leaders. The battle of Cannae was a terrible disaster for the Roman Republic.

47 BC – the army of Gaius Julius Caesar defeated the forces of king Pharnaces II in the battle of Zela.

461 AD – the emperor Majorian was overthrown by the Roman leader Ricimer and beheaded after 5 days of torture.

Natural: Albert Einstein wrote a letter to President FDR explaining the possibility of an atomic bomb, thus marking the beginning of atomic weaponry– 1939

Italian: Scodinzolare (to wag its tail)

Quote: "All our kids want is our time. And there will come a day when we'd give anything to have theirs. Play the board game, eat dinner as a family, tuck them in and tell them a story. There is no gift more precious than time." --Christine Derengowski

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