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Calendar Class of December 2, 2024

Writer's picture: Andrea Kirk AssafAndrea Kirk Assaf

A Carpe Diem Snapshot:

First snow sighting of the season! These white capped mountains are the Appenines, and it is possible to reach them and go skiing upon them in less than an hour's drive from Rome! Hopefully this will be the first year we manage to do that, per the kids' request.

Liturgical: Monday of the First Week of Advent

"Amen, I say to you, in no one in Israel have I found such faith. I say to you, many will come from the east and the west, and will recline with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob at the banquet in the Kingdom of heaven."

Mt 8:5-11

Bishop Barron's Gospel reflections today.

Sanctoral: Today the Roman Martyrology commemorates St. Bibiana (died c. 361) who was martyred at Rome under Julian the Apostate around the year 361.

The Church also commemorates St. Silverius (480-537), who was pope for a very short time in 546-7 A.D. But his brief pontificate made him a martyr for the truth, which he defended at the cost of his life. He died in exile at the isle of Ponza, for refusing the empress Theodora's demand to reinstate the heresiarch Anthimos in the see of Constantinople. His body was brought back to Rome and laid in the Vatican basilica.

Human: First controlled, self-sustained nuclear chain reaction– 1946; The first televised human birth was transmitted on 49 NBC network stations– 1952; The United States Environmental Protection Agency began operation– 1970

The Writer's Almanac edition today.

Natural: Sore throat remedies at home

Italian: Rimbalzare (to bounce)

Quote: "The first fall of snow is not only an event, it is a magical event. You go to bed in one kind of a world and wake up in another quite different, and if this is not enchantment then where is it to be found?" -J.B. Priestly



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