A Carpe Diem Snapshot:

Happy December! Today Tina spread a festive table for our minor feast of December, in which we learned more about the four cycles of life in the month and set our agenda for studies and excursions. First assignment: get over colds and coughs that are keeping the girls cooped up indoors! Citrus to the rescue...
Liturgical: Memorial of Saint Francis Xavier, Priest
There shall be no harm or ruin on all my holy mountain; for the earth shall be filled with knowledge of the LORD, as water covers the sea.
Is 11:1-10
Bishop Barron's Gospel reflections today.
Sanctoral: The Church celebrates the Memorial of St. Francis Xavier (1506-1552), who was born in the castle of Xavier in Navarre, Spain. In 1525 he went to Paris where he met St. Ignatius Loyola and with whom he received Holy Orders in Venice in 1537. In 1540 he was sent to evangelize India. He labored in western India, the island of Ceylon, Malacca, Molucca Islands, island of Mindanao (Philippines), and Japan. In 1552 he started on a voyage to China but died on Sancian Island.
Human: 1989- Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev and US President George H. W. Bush, declare the Cold War over.
Today is the birthday of Rainer Maria Rilke, born in Prague (1875).
Today is the birthday of the British essayist, philosopher, and historian Thomas Carlyle, born in Ecclefechan, Scotland (1795).
The Writer's Almanac today.
Natural: 1586 Sir Thomas Herriot introduces potatoes to England from Colombia
Italian: Sopravvissuto (survivor)
Quote: "Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer."
Ranier Maria Rilke