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Writer's pictureAndrea Kirk Assaf

Calendar Class of December 4, 2024

A Carpe Diem Snapshot:

The last two evenings, we met up with friends both old and new through the Newman Foundation and the Acton Institute during what's becoming an annual visit to Rome. The world needs some good news regarding people and institutions collaborating together for the common good, and fortunately these groups are dedicated to achieving those ends. We were cheered by the vision and successes that they shared with various groups in Rome this week and we forecast more good news to come.

Liturgical: Wednesday of the First Week of Advent

R. I shall live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life.

Only goodness and kindness follow me

all the days of my life;

And I shall dwell in the house of the LORD

for years to come.

Bishop Barron's Gospel reflections today.

Sanctoral: The Church celebrates the Optional Memorial of St. John Damascene (676-749), who was a learned theologian who carefully gathered together and transmitted to us the teaching of the Greek Fathers, and is thus one of the most trustworthy witnesses to oriental tradition. He also wrote many liturgical hymns still in use today. St. John Damascene died in 749. Leo XIII proclaimed him a Doctor of the Universal Church.

The Roman Martyrology commemorates St. Barbara (d. 235), a virgin and martyr who died at Nicomedia about 235. Her feast was removed from the calendar due to not being able to find accurate historical basis for her veneration. This is not to state that she did not exist, but there is question, so she is no longer listed on the General Roman Calendar.

Human: The Feast of St. Barbara today is celebrated throughout the Middle East in a way similar to the American Halloween, with costumes, parades, and treats. Here is an article on putting a party together at home!

Buon onomastico, Barbara Stuart and Barbara Monahan!

1563-- Council of Trent holds its last session after 18 years, the last ecumenical council for more than 300 years.

More at The Writer's Almanac edition today.

Natural: It was on this date in 1867 that Oliver Hudson Kelley founded the Order of the Patrons of Husbandry, also known as The Grange. It's the oldest national agricultural advocacy organization

Italian: Assaggio (taste / sip)

Quote: "Keep a clear eye toward life’s end. Do not forget your purpose and destiny as God’s creature. What you are in his sight is what you are and nothing more. Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take nothing that you have received…but only what you have given; a full heart enriched by honest service, love, sacrifice, and courage." --St. Francis of Assisi

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