A Carpe Diem Snapshot:

This morning we joined the Pontifical North American College community for their 160th anniversary celebration on this, the 170th anniversary of the declaration of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception by Pope Pius IX.
Liturgical: Second Sunday of Advent
Today is the Second Sunday of Advent. “As the journey of Advent continues, as we prepare to celebrate the nativity of Christ, John the Baptist's call to conversion sounds out in our communities. It is a pressing invitation to open our hearts and to welcome the Son of God Who comes among us to make divine judgement manifest. The Father, writes St. John the Evangelist, does not judge anyone, but has entrusted the power of judgement to the Son, because He is the Son of man.
The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, which is ordinarily celebrated today, is transferred to December 9, and is a Holy Day of Obligation.
Barron's Sunday Sermon: Have You Wandered Away from God?
Fr. Plant's Homily: Make A Path for the Lord
Sanctoral: Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Human: Today, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, marks the beginning of the Christmas season in the city of Rome. The Vatican and city Christmas trees are lit among much fanfare, the Christmas markets open, and the Pope crowns the statue of Mary atop a pillar in the Piazza di Spagna.
This day in Ancient Rome: Tibernalia – a festival in honor of Tiberius was celebrated; 65 BC – Horace, a Roman poet, was born. Horace’s work is considered to be the crowning achievement of the Augustan Age and has had a significant impact on European poetry.
Natural: Traditional Italian recipes for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Italian: Mettere una pulce nell’orecchio (to plant an idea in someone’s head)
Quote: “This important Marian feast occurs during Advent, a season of watchful and prayerful preparation for Christmas. She who knew better than anyone how to wait attentively for the Lord guides us and shows us how to make more vital and active our journey to the Holy Night of Bethlehem. With her, we spend these weeks in prayer and, guided by her bright star, hasten to make the spiritual journey that will lead us to celebrate the mystery of the Incarnation with greater intensity.” - Saint John Paul II