Today's Carpe Diem Snapshot: This year has provided an opportunity for a discussion of the sacrificial nature of love with the coincidence of the moveable feast of Ash Wednesday falling on February 14, Valentine's Day. Pictured below is one of our Rome program students at the red curtain bedecked entrance to the minor basilica of Santi Celso e Giuliano. She and I attended an Ash Wednesday High Latin Mass there, where we were treated to the heavenly voices of a choir who are a group of friends studying and working at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (videos on Instagram).
Liturgical: Ash Wednesday | USCCB Even now, says the LORD, return to me with your whole heart...
Sanctoral: Cyril, Monk +868 and Methodius, Bishop +885 Brothers and Apostles to the Slavs, Creators of the Cyrillic script
Valentine, Bishop and Martyr of Rome, +269 Pope Julius I built a basilica in his honor on the Flaminian Way. His skull is in the church of Santa Maria in Cosmedin.
Human: The Roman roots of Valentine's Day traditions
Natural: Valentine's Day natural motifs- the pairing of birds, almond tree blossoms
"The greatest act of love ever performed in history was the death of the God-man. Love is good and true and enduring only to the extent that it is giving. Only those willing to sacrifice for the beloved are truly in love." Catharine Salgado