Today's Carpe Diem Snapshot: In contrast to yesterday's excursions, this morning I barely moved a muscle due to the amount of desk work that I could no longer put off. Fortunately, the artist-in-residence Valentina provided me with a Carpe Diem moment by working alongside me and showing me her incredible Rome journal for my Art and Architecture of Rome class. Yesterday's prayers to Beato Fra Angelico on her behalf have certainly born beautiful fruit!
Liturgical: Monday of the First Week of Lent
You shall love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD.
Ember week of Lent.
Today's Station Church: San Pietro in Vincoli
Sanctoral: Conrad of Piacenza, +1351; Barbatus, Benevento, +652
Human: 356 Roman Emperor Constantius II officially shuts all pagan temples; 1473- Birthday of Nicholas Copernicus; 1712- Russian Tsar Peter the Great officially marries the peasant Martha Skavronskaya ; 1945- reportedly, 980 Japanese soldiers killed by crocodiles in two days in Burma in the WWII battle of Ramree Island
Natural: Energy-givers vs. Energy-sappers
Quote: "There is no great loss without some small gain." -Laura Ingalls Wilder
Extra: Tableaux Vivants theatrical troupe Teatri 35