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  • Writer's pictureAndrea Kirk Assaf

Calendar Class of February 24, 2024

Today's Carpe Diem Snapshot: Caught the full moon before sunrise!

Liturgical: Saturday of the First Week of Lent "So be perfect, just as your Heavenly Father is perfect."

Ember Saturday of Lent- fascinating commentary!!

Station Church: St. Peter's Basilica

Sanctoral: Bl. Maria Ascension Nicol y Goni, Spain +1940

The Spanish government shut down sisters' school so they became missionaries to Peru and educated girls. Blessed Maria founded the Dominican Missionaries of the Rosary.

Human: Happy Birthday to Melissa Steele! :) Birthday of Wilhelm Grimm 1786, Steve Jobs 1955. 303- Diocletian persecution began. Ancient Rome- celebration of Regifugium (expulsion of the king)

Natural: Full "Snow Moon" of February today! Also called the Hunger or Bony Moon because of the difficulty of hunting. This month it is a "micromoon"- the farthest point away from earth as it follows its elliptical path: 252,225 miles away

Quote: "How rash to assert that man shapes his own destiny. All he can do is determine his inner responses. You cannot know another's inner life from his circumstances. To know that you must know his dreams, relationships, moods, disappointments, sickness, and his death." -Etty Hillesum

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