A Carpe Diem Snapshot:
Today the Villa Magnolia said goodbye to a very old tree that had to come down before it came crashing down on its own, as its neighbor had done when all were fortunately away. We all watched in admiration as the skilled crew of arborists swayed in the wind atop the towering umbrella pine, bringing it all down to earth in a few hours.
Liturgical: 7th week of Ordinary Time Mass readings and Bishop Barron's commentary
Wisdom teaches her children and gives help to those who seek her.
Whoever loves her loves life, and those who seek her from early morning are filled with joy.
Sirach 4:11-19
Sanctoral: The Roman Martyrology commemorates St. Porphyrius of Gaza (d. 420), a wealthy Greek who became a hermit first in the desert of Skete in Egypt and then in Palestine on the banks of the Jordan. Much against his will he was raised to the See of Gaza, which he ruled with extraordinary energy, ability and success. He almost completely uprooted the remnants of paganism in his diocese. His biography written by his deacon Mark is one of the most valuable historical sources of the fifth century.
Saint Maria Bertilla Boscardin, Italy +1922 Some of her patients attended her canonization in 1961.
Human: In Roman History Today- yet another fratricide
212 AD – Emperor Geta was murdered by his brother Caracalla. In his will, their father, Septimius Severus, gave equal authority to both brothers, without any division of competence or territory of the Empire. This fact alone made the cooperation between them more difficult and caused conflict. However, the deeper cause of the conflict was the sincere hatred between them from their early childhood. They were not even stifled by the reconciliation above their father’s grave – to which their mother Julia Domna persuaded them. An unsuccessful attempt to assassinate his brother and the very aggressive behavior of Caracalla made Geta more and more popular among the people. So Caracalla decided to change the plan. At the beginning of 212 AD he made gestures showing that he wanted to reconcile with his brother. Pretending to seek formal reconciliation with Geta, he arranged a meeting in their mother’s chambers on 26 February 212 AD. The brothers were supposed to be there alone and unarmed. However, Caracalla betrayed his brother, brought centurions with him, and ordered them to kill him. Geta died while trying to hide in his mother’s arms, who was injured herself, attempting to save her son.
A short but excellent documentary on the Severan dynasty and their legacy in Rome.
Natural: Iconic trees of Rome article and a history of the trees of Rome article and Torquato Tasso's Oak Tree on the Janiculum hill
Italian: Vigliacco (coward)
Quote: ‘To an Old Tree’ by Annette Wynne
The tree must stand, it cannot run; Whatever comes of snow or sun It has to bear; it has no fears; Knowing not regret nor tears It stands and stretches to the sky Without a murmur, plaint or sigh— And this has stood a thousand years, And seen ten thousand storms go by!