A Carpe Diem Snapshot:

Gardening season has already arrived in Rome, and Cordelia has her garden boots on her feet and her spade in hand! Although my Dad was known for being a prolific planter of trees, and my father-in-law is growing a veritable garden of Eden in the mountains of Lebanon, green thumbs can neither be acquired by genes nor through marriage. I am learning how to garden, therefore, right alongside my children. My biggest support in this effort has been the work and encouragement of my friend Sheila Carroll, author of the newsletter "Nature Notes," as well as the newly published book Nature Study Companion. With a little help from our friends, we will have a "container kitchen garden" to share with you by the end of the season.
Liturgical: Monday of the Fourth Week in Ordinary Time
Yet all these, though approved because of their faith,
did not receive what had been promised.
God had foreseen something better for us,
so that without us they should not be made perfect.
Bishop Barron's Gospel reflections today.
Sanctoral: St. Blaise (or Blase) (d. 320) enjoyed widespread veneration in the Eastern and Western Churches due to many cures attributed to him. According to tradition, he was Bishop of Sebaste in Armenia and was martyred under Licinius. On this day the Church gives a "Blessing of the Throats" in honor of St. Blaise. From the eighth century he has been invoked on behalf of the sick, especially those afflicted with illnesses of the throat. St. Blaise is included in the list of Fourteen Holy Helpers.
St. Ansgar (801-865) became known as the "Apostle of the North" for his great evangelical work in Denmark and Sweden. He was Bishop of Hamburg, Germany and then of Bremen, Germany. Gregory IV appointed him as his delegate to Denmark and Sweden. Known for his great preaching, working miracles, and being greatly devoted to the poor and sick.
Human: Birthday of Norman Rockwell (artist) – 1894-- Norman Rockwell's Painting Process
382 AD – Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire, Theodosius the Great, settled the Goths in Thrace as allies of Rome (foederati). The Goths settled on the lower Danube; they were given wide autonomy, but they were obliged to provide the Empire with soldiers, though only auxiliary units fighting under the independent, Gothic command. These conditions were outrageous for many Romans, but they allowed the Goths to calm the situation on the border and rebuild the imperial army in the East. Theodosius gained great authority among the barbarians, which meant that they held their end of the bargain up.
The Writer's Almanac edition today.
Natural: North America’s coldest temperature was recorded in Snag, Yukon Territory. The temperature dropped to -81.4°F. – 1947
Nature Notes Newsletter: Stewards of the Earth-- Helping Children Learn Responsibility for the Earth
Italian: Schizzinoso (picky / fussy)
Quote: "Nature study is not just about education; it is about restoration, wonder, and purpose." – Sheila Carroll, Nature Study Companion