“Those who are well do not need a physician, but the sick do.
I did not come to call the righteous but sinners.”
Sanctoral: Hilary of Poitiers, Bishop and Doctor of the Church, France +367
Human: St. Knut's Day
In Sweden, January 13 is the traditional day to discard the Christmas tree and end the season’s festivities. A children’s party is the favored way to strip the tree of its decorations, after which the children are free to plunder the edible treats and small gifts placed on the tree especially for the occasion. This Christmas tree plundering is often accompanied by smashing up the gingerbread houses and eating them while discarding of the decorations. Finally, everyone “dances” the tree out the door. Singing special songs, they pick up the tree and toss it out into the snow.
Natural: Death Day of Maria Sibylla Merian (naturalist/artist) – 1717
Quote: "As God is exalted to the right place in our lives, a thousand problems are solved all at once." -A. W. Tozer
Today's Carpe Diem Snapshot: