A Carpe Diem Snapshot:
Sledding on sumptuous snow beneath a setting sun was lots of fun!
Liturgical: Tuesday of the First Week in Ordinary Time
Both the one who makes people holy and those who are made holy are of the same family. So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers and sisters.
Hebrews 2:5-12
Bishop Barron's Gospel reflections today.
Sanctoral: The Roman Martyrology commemorates St. Felix of Nola (d. 255), priest. After his father‘s death, Felix sold off most of his property and possessions, gave the proceeds to the poor, and pursued his vocation as a priest. He was ordained by, and worked with Saint Maximus of Nola. During the persecution of the Emperor Decius, Felix was arrested and beaten for his faith, but was freed by an angel, and managed to hide with St. Maximus until the end of the persecution in 251. Although chosen as bishop of Nola, he declined the position and worked as a farmer the rest of his days, sharing his profits with those poorer than himself. The letters and poetry of Saint Paulinus of Nola is where we have most of the information regarding St. Felix.
Human: Albert Schweitzer (physician) – 1875
The Writer's Almanac edition today.
Natural: A tanker carrying 40,000 pounds (about 3,500 gallons) of 120-degree-F liquid chocolate became unhitched from the main truck and rolled over on westbound Interstate 40, at milepost 211, east of Flagstaff, Arizona. No one was injured. The biodegradable contents of the damaged tanker had to be pumped out onto the median so that the vehicle could be lifted onto a tow truck. It took crews about 4 hours to clean up the river of chocolate before several closed lanes could open once more. – 2019
Italian: Ormai (now / at this point / already / almost)
Quote: "At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us".
--Albert Schweitzer