Fr. Geoffrey Plant's homily: Repent and believe in the good news. Homily for the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B (
Bishop Barron's homily: Listen to the Voice of God! - Bishop Barron's Sunday Sermon (
Sanctoral: Agnes, Rome +304
Memorial of St. Agnes, Virgin and Martyr - January 21, 2023 - Liturgical Calendar | Catholic Culture
Blessing of the Lambs tradition: Blessing of lambs a 500 year old tradition, priest reveals | Catholic News Agency
Human: 62 AD – Nero married to Poppaea Sabina, who was his mistress from 58 AD. Poppaea led a sumptuous lifestyle and she was known as a beautiful, hardheaded woman. Some of her cosmetic treatments became famous (eg. baths in donkey milk). She persuaded Nero to murder his own mother – Agrippina the Younger.
Natural: Brighter sunshine, longer but colder days, sunset at 17:10 today
Quote: "An emperor's an entertainer, an empire a super-show." -Nero
Today's Carpe Diem Snapshot: Today we attended Mass with our Spring semester students at the Domus Australia, where we heard a homily from our new professor of Latin, Fr. Hamilton, the rector of the Domus!