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Writer's pictureAndrea Kirk Assaf

Calendar Class of July 6, 2024

A Carpe Diem Snapshot:

I am blessed to have a few good friends who appreciate children's books as much as I do. One of them is pictured above, Heidi Litobar, from whom I draw much inspiration from her seemingly boundless energy and enthusiasm for community service, education, and love of nature (she is the "butterfly lady" who raises monarchs in her laundry room). Heidi and the other volunteers of the Friends of the Library at Morton Township Library are having their annual book sale there this weekend so stop in today. Sadly, many school libraries are downsizing and have donated these treasures. How they are no longer valuable to students, I do not comprehend. With time, this administrative decision will surely be regretted. I picked up two boxes for my family yesterday and would have taken more if I had the time. These books are literally being thrown away in our area, and presumably across the country; my friend Kris regularly picks up beautifully illustrated classic books dropped off at the recycling center! In contrast to this growing trend of schools' lack of appreciation for good children's literature, my friend Sheila gathers donated books to send to rural schools in Nigeria, where the students have no other way to get them. Our loss is their gain. Save the books and stop by the sale today. Tell Heidi that Andrea sent you!

Liturgical: Saturday of the Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time

Jesus answered them, “Can the wedding guests mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? The days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast.

Bishop Barron's Gospel reflections today.

Sanctoral: St. Maria Goretti (1890-1902). St. Maria was born near Ancona (Italy), the daughter of a poor peasant family. Maria was well known to her neighbors for her cheerfulness and piety. When she was twelve she was a victim of assault. She preferred to die rather than to lose her virginity. She died in 1902, and her mother was present at her canonization in 1950, the first time a parent was present for their own child's canonization.

Bl. Maria Theresa Ledóchowska SSPC (1863-1922), who was a Polish Roman Catholic Religious Sister and missionary, who founded the Missionary Sisters of St. Peter Claver, dedicated to service in Africa.

St. Palladius (d. 432), missionary Bishop and Apostle of the Scots. He founded churches at Kelleen Cormac, Tigroney, and Donard and died in the year 432.

Human: Beheading of Sir Thomas More (author, martyr) by the order of King Henry VIII – 1535-- His famous last words; Notorious pirate Captain William Kidd (“Captain Kidd”) seized in Boston– 1699; Pennsylvania Evening Post first newspaper to publish Declaration of Independence– 1776

The Writer's Almanac edition today.

Natural: Let's simplify exercise today. Here are the top 10 exercises to increase strength and mobility. And a neuroscientist breaks down how to exercise to benefit the brain. And let's not forget the face! Here's Dr. Berg on what we can do to counter the effects of aging on the face. Finally, here is a 2 minute face yoga routine.

A nuclear test at the Nevada Test Site caused the largest manmade crater in the United States (Sedan Crater).– 1962

Quote: “Do the best you can to make the present production a success; don’t spoil the entire play just because you happen to think of another one that you’d enjoy rather more.” --St. Thomas More

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