A Carpe Diem Snapshot:
Nik Carman is the man of the moment! Today we celebrated my multitalented nephew's milestone of high school graduation and transition to college and work. In honor of Nik's passion for surfing (yes, in Michigan...in winter!!), the dress code was Hawaiian, the islands where Nik fell in love with surfing. He's been an inspiration to the whole family since he was just a kid, when he pursued his first passion, stringed instruments, and became a real prodigy. Keep Carpe Dieming, Nik!
Liturgical: Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Catholicculture.org page.
So whoever is in Christ is a new creation: the old things have passed away; behold, new things have come.
Fr Plant's homily.
Bishop Barron's homily.
Sanctoral: Saint John Fisher, England +1535
Human: 79 AD– emperor Vespasian died. He distinguished himself as a reformer and reorganizer of Roman statehood, he strengthened the empire’s borders. He did not terrorize senators, and according to Cassius Dio he had a proper attitude towards the Senate. He was, in the eyes of the ancients, an example for the later ruler of the Severan dynasty, Septimius Severus. He ordered the Stoics to be removed from Rome. He initiated the building of the Collosseum.
47 BC – Caesarion was born, son of Gaius Julius Caesar and Cleopatra VII. He was the last representative of the Ptolemy dynasty. When Octavian invaded Egypt in 30 BC, Cleopatra sent Caesarion to Berenice, a port on the Red Sea, in order that he would escape to India. His guardian, as a result of treason or cowardice, persuaded him to turn back. Octavian asked the philosopher Arejos if he had the right to kill Caesarion. The philosopher, paraphrasing Homer, said: “It’s not good when there are too many Caesars in the world.” Thus Octavian ordered him to be strangled at the end of August 30 BC.
Natural: How sudden squalls spring up on the Sea of Tiberius even today.
Italian Idiom of the Day: Conosco i miei polli (I know what they’re like)
Quote: "They who sailed the sea in ships, trading on the deep waters, These saw the works of the Lord and his wonders in the abyss." --Psalm 107