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Writer's pictureAndrea Kirk Assaf

Calendar Class of June 26, 2024

A Carpe Diem Snapshot:

The beautiful baker has done it again! Overripe bananas were transformed into this luscious loaf of chocolate-walnut banana bread with a garnish of fresh strawberries. Brava, Valentina!

Liturgical: Wednesday of the Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time

"Just so, every good tree bears good fruit, and a rotten tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a rotten tree bear good fruit."

Bishop Barron's Gospel reflections today on the fruits of the Holy Spirit.

Sanctoral: Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer, Spain, +1975; Bl. Jacques Ghazir Haddad (1875-1954), Lebanon, Capuchin Missionary.

Human: 4 AD the first Roman emperor Augustus adopted Tiberius and recognized him as his heir. From that time, Tiberius was called Tiberius Julius Caesar, at the same time obliging him to adopt his nephew, Germanicus.

221 AD– Roman emperor Elagabalus adopted his cousin Alexander Severus and recognized him as the heir.

363 AD – the Roman emperor Julian the Apostate died during a military expedition in the fight against the Persians. He was wounded with a spear during the battle. The epithet Apostate was given to him by later Christian writers because of his renunciation of the Christian faith, in which Julian grew up as a child, and his return to traditional Roman pagan cults.

Writer's Almanac today.

Natural: Opening ceremonies took place for the St. Lawrence Seaway, connecting the Great Lakes with the Atlantic– 1959. This is a HUGE feat of engineering.

Italian Word of the Day: Qualcosa (something / anything)

Quote: "All of Paul’s “fruits of the Holy Spirit” are marks of an outward-looking, expansive magna anima (great soul), which stands in contradistinction to the pusilla anima (the cramped soul) of the sinner. Thus love is willing the good of the other as other; joy is self-diffusive; patience bears with the troublesome; kindness makes the other gentle; self-control restricts the havoc that the ego can cause; etc.  

When is the Spirit present? When these attributes are awakened and sustained; when our souls are made great."

-- Bishop Barron, in his Gospel reflections for today' readings

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