A Carpe Diem Snapshot:

All roads lead to Rome, and unexpected reunions here are a delightful regular occurrence. At the end of the evening we found ourselves being serenaded by a class of seniors from the Chesterton Academy of the Chicago area. One of the parent chaperones was an old friend, whom I've known since I was 12, and one of the teachers was my mother's godson! Videos of their beautiful singing are on IG.
Liturgical: Saturday of the Fourth Week of Lent Blessed are they who have kept the word with a generous heart and yield a harvest through perseverance. -Lk 8:15
Station church: San Nicola in Carcere
Sanctoral: Heribert (970-1021), Archbishop of Cologne, Germany, and Chancellor of Holy Roman Emperor Otto III
Human: 37 AD – Emperor Tiberius died in Misenum on the Gulf of Naples at the age of 77 and was buried in the Mausoleum of Augustus. Caligula succeeds him.
455 AD – Emperor Valentinian III was assassinated in Rome in the Field of Mars during the review of the army by a faithful soldier Aetius. Petronius Maximus became the new emperor – prefect of the city, prefect of praetorium and consul.
Natural: All about St. Francis' Canticle of the Sun
Quote: Laudato sie, mi Signore cum tucte le Tue creature,
spetialmente messor lo frate Sole,
lo qual è iorno, et allumini noi per lui.
Et ellu è bellu e radiante cum grande splendore:
de Te, Altissimo, porta significatione.
-St. Francis, an excerpt from The Canticle of the Sun