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Writer's pictureAndrea Kirk Assaf

Calendar Class of March 25, 2024

A Carpe Diem Snapshot:

This scene only lasted for a minute or so but I'm glad I captured it before busy Cordelia flitted away to her next creative activity. Here we are in my "office" with a view of the dome of St. Peter's Basilica in the background and two of my favorite pick-me-ups in the foreground-- Lebanese nuts and Italian espresso. It's a visual reminder to me that it's the little things, and little people, that make life a little sweeter.

Liturgical: Monday of Holy Week And the chief priests plotted to kill Lazarus too,

because many of the Jews were turning away and believing in Jesus because of him.

Station Church: Santa Prassede

*The Solemnity of the Annunciation, when it falls during Holy Week, is moved to the first day after the Octave of Easter. This year it will be April 8.


*Ancient Rome-- the Hilaria festival was celebrated on the occasion of the vernal equinox and the worship of the Phrygian goddess of fertility, harvest, spring and defensive cities, Cybele.

March 25 celebrated Attis’ resurrection – Cybele’s consort. The cult of Cybele and Attis spread in ancient Rome during the reign of Claudius. On this day, Romans celebrated the nascent nature, there were masquerades, games, and everyone was cheerful. In addition, on that day, the Romans were also supposed to make fun of friends and family.

Here's an article trying to explain possible natural factors behind the bizarre popularity of the cult of Cybele. Strangely enough, I actually stumbled upon the ruins of her temple, known as the temple of Magna Mater, on the Palatine hill earlier this month. Here's an article about the Magna Mater temple and the various Madonelle, or Marian street shrines, around Rome.

*421 AD – according to the legend, Venice was founded at noon. On this day, the first foundations for the church of San Giacomo di Rialto were laid.

Natural: Full "Worm" Moon of March as well as the Paschal Moon of 2024!

Catholic gardening ideas for the Annunciation-- creating a Mary Garden

Quote: "When the angel appeared to Mary, God was announcing this love for the new humanity. It was the beginning of a new earth, and Mary became ‘a flesh-gift Paradise to be gardened by the new Adam.’" --Ven. Fulton Sheen

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