A Carpe Diem Snapshot: Every Carpe Diem moment comes as a delightful surprise, but today's genuinely bowled me over. About 15 minutes or so after reading a commentary on a quote by my beloved curly-headed stoic philosopher, Marcus Aurelius, I happened to check my email. There I found a message from a sender whose name I didn't recognize but in the subject line were the intriguing words "365 Lessons from the Stoics." Believing the website I had just been on had somehow obtained my email address and was now trying to sell me something, I clicked open the message in irritation with the purpose of unsubscribing to their solicitations. To my amazement, it was instead an offer to create a book of 365 stoic quotes! Of course, I accepted the job before I even finished reading the email, and am now happily planning the creation of my 8th book for Harper Collins UK! (My author page needs updating) The turn-around will be awfully quick, so expect to see this little beauty on the shelves possibly as early as this summer!
Liturgical: Wednesday of the Third Week of Lent "...take care and be earnestly on your guard not to forget the things which your own eyes have seen, nor let them slip from your memory as long as you live, but teach them to your children and to your children's children.
Sanctoral: Colette, France +1447 First a hermitess, then a foundress of many convents. Also helped heal the papal schism with St. Vincent Ferrer. Patron saint of women seeking to conceive, expectant mothers, and sick children.
Human: Birthday of everyone's favorite Renaissance artist, Michelangelo! Born in Caprese, Republic of Florence, in 1475. Buried in the Basilica of Santa Croce, Florence.
Natural: Sudden hail storm in Rome today! There were both pea-size and mothball size hail.
Quote: "Examine the ruling part of the wise, what they avoid, and what they pursue." -Marcus Aurelius