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Writer's pictureAndrea Kirk Assaf

Calendar Class of May 18, 2024

A Carpe Diem Snapshot:

On the road again... Or, rather, in the air again! These annual trips always provide opportunities to notice how the time spent in Rome has changed us, especially the kids. This one in particular has become a lot more Roman over the last academic year and a shrewd business man, just like his father!

Liturgical: Saturday of the Seventh Week of Easter (Vigil of Pentecost)

Novena to the Holy Spirit

"When he entered Rome, Paul was allowed to live by himself, with the soldier who was guarding him."

Where did St. Paul live in Rome- Santa Maria in via lata or San Paolo alla Regola?

Sanctoral: Pope John I, +526

As pope he was responsible for introducing the Alexandrian computation of the date of Easter; it came to be accepted throughout the West.

Human: Birthday of Pope John Paul II – 1920 and Bertrand Russell (philosopher & mathematician) – 1872

Natural: Masses feared the end of the world during passage of Halley’s Comet– 1910

India became world’s sixth nuclear power– 1974

A magnitude 5.1 earthquake causes the cataclysmic eruption of Mount St. Helens, killing 57 people.– 1980

Quote: "The future starts today, not tomorrow." --St. John Paul II

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