A Carpe Diem Snapshot:
During the birthday celebrations for Mom, which were interrupted by tornados rolling into town before the cake had even been cut, my Mom showed us some old birthday cards she found that my sisters and I had made for her. Judging by my handwriting and illustration style, I'd say this was created when I was between 13 and 15 years old. The similarity to the blog post that I created in her honor yesterday was striking; all "four cycles of life"-- liturgical, sanctoral, human, and natural-- were represented, decades before I came up with those categories as daily study subjects. The discovery of this Calendar Class forerunner, along with the themes discussed by Mom in her interview that I posted yesterday, provided more evidence for Carl Jung's theory of the collective unconscious and Charlotte Mason's idea of the science of associations. It seems Calendar Class was written in my stars!
Around the time this birthday card was created, I was a devoted fan of The Writer's Almanac, in hindsight an obvious source of inspiration for both Calendar Class and my writing projects.
“Writing is…that oddest of anomalies: an intimate letter to a stranger.”
—Pico Iyer
Liturgical: Tuesday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time
Taking a child, he placed it in their midst, and putting his arms around it, he said to them, “Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me; and whoever receives me, receives not me but the One who sent me.”
Sanctoral: Christopher Magallanes (1869-1927), a martyr, along with twenty-one diocesan priests and three devout laymen, all members of the Cristeros movement, who rose up in rebellion against the anti-Catholic Mexican government during the 1920s.
Human: Birthday of Albrecht Durer (painter) – 1471, Alexander Pope (poet) – 1688, Henri Rousseau (painter) – 1844
Art attack at the Vatican! 1972-- Michelangelo's Pieta struck with a hammer fifteen times by geologist Laszlo Toth. He was committed to a psychiatric hospital for two years before being deported back to Australia.
Natural: Tornados in Mecosta last night! Tornados 101.
Quote: "Amusement is the happiness of those who cannot think." -Alexander Pope