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  • Writer's pictureAndrea Kirk Assaf

Calendar Class of May 29, 2024

Updated: May 30

A Carpe Diem Snapshot:

We are on the cusp of summer now, and the appearance of dragonflies (and float tubes) provide the evidence today. Learn all about these adorable and harmless dragons in today's natural cycle lesson below.

Liturgical: Wednesday of the Eighth Week of Ordinary Time

Since you have purified yourselves by obedience to the truth for sincere brotherly love, love one another intensely from a pure heart.

Sanctoral: Memorial of Pope St. Paul VI (1897-1978)

Human: 1453 Constantinople, capital of the Eastern Roman Empire falls to the Ottoman Turks under Mehmed the Conqueror, ending the Byzantine Empire after 1100 years

Today's Writers Almanac features the birthdays of G.K. Chesterton and Oswald Spengler.

Italian Word of the Day: Bizza (tantrum / scene)

Quote: A Dark Thing Inside the Day

So many want to be lifted by song and dancing,

and this morning it is easy to understand.

I write in the sound of chirping birds hidden

in the almond trees, the almonds still green

and thriving in the foliage. Up the street,

a man is hammering to make a new house as doves

continue their cooing forever. Bees humming

and high above that a brilliant clear sky.

The roses are blooming and I smell the sweetness.

Everything desirable is here already in abundance.

And the sea. The dark thing is hardly visible

in the leaves, under the sheen. We sleep easily.

So I bring no sad stories to warn the heart.

All the flowers are adult this year. The good

world gives and the white doves praise all of it.

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