A Carpe Diem Moment:
Michiganders almost universally appreciate their state, and tonight's speaker at the Morton Township Library in Mecosta was no exception. Ron Rademacher shared stories of his adventures and discoveries trekking around the back roads of the state, which resulted in eight books (link in natural cycle line below). If you're a local, or a visitor, Ron has got a guide for you to explore mysterious Michigan. I will keep you updated on any trips this summer inspired by tonight's lecture!
Liturgical: Thursday of the Eighth Week in Ordinary Time
Beloved: Like newborn infants, long for pure spiritual milk so that through it you may grow into salvation, for you have tasted that the Lord is good.
Sanctoral: St. Joan of Arc (1412-1431)
Human: 1431- Joan of Arc was burned at the stake at age 19. Today's Writer's Almanac has the story and a commentary.
Natural: Michigan back roads, lots of potential summer adventures!
Italian Word of the Day: Basta (enough / stop)
Quote: Joan was a being so uplifted from the ordinary run of mankind that she finds no equal in a thousand years. She embodied the natural goodness and valour of the human race in unexampled perfection. Unconquerable courage, infinite compassion, the virtue of the simple, the wisdom of the just, shone forth in her. She glorifies as she freed the soil from which she sprang.
Sir Winston Churchill, in The Birth of Britain