As David went up the Mount of Olives, he wept without ceasing.; Lord, rise up and save me.; "Go home to your family and announce to them all that the Lord in his pity has done for you."
Sanctoral: Gildas the Wise, Scotland +570 One of the most influential figures of the early church in Britain.
Human: 904 AD - Sergius III elected Pope to take over from deposed antipope Christopher (not in the Annuario Pontificio)
Natural: Allergy season has begun in Rome! How the "anti-inflammatory protocol" can help.
Quote: "Better to illuminate than merely to shine, to deliver contemplated truths than merely to contemplate." -St. Thomas Aquinas
Today's Carpe Diem Snapshot: There is, of course, a story behind this photo. First of all, there are two Cordelias in it! Cordelia being a rather rare name, the younger Cordelia is delighted to share the villa with someone who also shares her name this week. Secondly, as you can see in this photo, Spring has sprung already in Rome (hence the entry on Spring allergies in the natural cycle lesson today!). Roses are in bloom and the newly purchased kumquat tree is laden with ripe fruit (you can eat the entire tiny fruit, rind and seeds and all). I discovered kumquats in Rome when we lived in a property higher up the Janiculum several years ago where one miniature tree was growing on our terraces. When Cordelia and I walked past the fruit tree and flower vendor today, the kumquat ended up coming home with me. Interesting to note, nearly all the flower vendors in Rome are Christian Coptic Egyptians. This one had postcards of Pope Francis and the Egyptian Coptic pope at his stand.