A Carpe Diem Snapshot:

Thousands of years of history are captured in this one frame! Today, the Art and Architecture class passed over and by some of the most significant spots in Roman history, ending here at San Giorgio in Velabro. Attached to the (possibly) 6th century church (which contains the relics of the famous dragon slayer beneath the altar!) is the Arcus Argentariorum (204 AD), the Arch of the Moneychangers, commissioned by merchants in honor of Emperor Septimius Severus. Just outside the frame to the left is the Arch of Janus, and outside the frame to the right is the via Teodoro, with the Roman Forum behind it and the legendary cave of the Madre Lupa, where the infants Remus and Romulus were brought to safety from the nearby Tiber by a she-wolf. And the rest is history!
Those whom I love, I reprove and chastise.
Be earnest, therefore, and repent.
Bishop Barron's Gospel reflections today.
Sanctoral: The Roman Martyrology commemorates St. Mechtilde (1241-1298), who was born to a noble family in Heifta, Saxony, and was placed in a Benedictine convent at age seven. Mechtilde was a mystic, and aided St. Gertrude with her Book of Special Graces or The Revelation of St. Mechtilde.
The Love of the Sacred Heart, by Mechthild of Hackeborn
Human: 1530 The final decree of the Diet of Augsburg, "The Recess," is signed by Charles V and Catholic princes, reaffirming Catholic rites and principles after the departure of Protestant princes.
1620 The Mayflower reaches Cape Cod and explores the coast.
1805 Lewis and Clark Expedition, led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, reaches the Pacific Ocean, the first European Americans to cross the West.
1863 US President Abraham Lincoln delivers his Gettysburg address beginning; "Four score and seven years ago..."
1942 Operation Uranus: Soviet offensive begins during the Battle of Stalingrad, 1 million Soviet soldiers encircle the German Sixth Army
The Writer's Almanac edition today.
Natural: 1997-- McCaughey septuplets (all 7 of them!) born to Bobbi and Kenny McCaughey in Des Moines, Iowa. First set of septuplets to survive infancy.
Italian: Abbraccio (hug)
Quote: Nature, time, and patience are the three great physicians.